Street Art Generator

by Femke Wöhler

is that art? street art is – as the name suggests – a form of art. even if many people don’t want to acknowledge this form of art. street art divides people. not only because it is usually created under illegal circumstances, but also because it is often found in places for which all hope has already been given up.

i associate street art and graffiti with old abandoned buildings, broken walls and a new way to design them. street art brings color to places where everything is already in ruins.
with my code i want to fill the walls of this old bunker with life again. with colorful paints and different brushes give you the opportunity to create your own art.

art for eternity. infinite possibilities to express yourself. to immortalize yourself. street art should “remain permanently” and permanently show: we were here! but in the change of time this art fades. new art emerges, old is painted over. that is the course of time. this installation gives you the opportunity to be a part of this eternity for a short moment. however, there is no way to keep your art permanently. after five minutes, your artwork dissolves again and everything starts over. art that represents freedom, is accessible to everyone and can be produced by anyone. street art can be created anywhere and there are no clear guidelines as to what this art has to look like. here you are offered a space to let your creativity run!

Foto: Klaas Klee
Das Poster der Ausstellung Alogrithmic Debris.
Foto: Klaas Klee
Foto: Klaas Klee
Foto: Klaas Klee